Sunday, December 6, 2015

A Rare Sunday Share...

I’m compelled to express my thoughts on several things occurring in our world today. I’m compelled because I don’t understand. And the question is… Do I want to understand? I hope I do, because I’ve been taught in my life, as a Christian and a practicing Taoist, that I’m called to be more understanding than to be individually understood. The past month has caused great struggle in my heart. I’ve been hearing, seeing and feeling so much confusion concerning the events in Paris, the event with Planned Parenthood and now the third event in California.
So, here it is…..
I do not believe in an eye for an eye. Does hatred cross my heart when I hear of tragic events carried out by radicals or terrorists? Of course, I’m human. Yet, being human does not give me the right to bear arms against my brothers and/or sisters even in the most horrific tragedy. I’m called to love and forgive and mourn. Am I confused? Hell yes, but I can’t allow hatred to overcome the good in individuals. I can’t allow a few individuals to control my thoughts over any major religion or group of individuals. You might call me naive, but I assure you… I am not.
And yes this brings me to one of the forefront conversation that is occurring in our nation at this time…. GUN CONTROL.
I’ve studied Taoism for many years; it has brought me closer to spiritual enlightenment then any other philosophy. It is very clear on where my faith stands when it comes to violence. That being said, I will not participate in any form of verbal, physical or mental hatred toward anyone. Mother Teresa was once asked to be part of a march against War… she declined, but said, “If you have a march for Peace, I’ll will march with you.” This is exactly how I feel about Gun Control. I’ve heard "people don’t kill people… guns kill people; or "its not the guns that are the problem, but the radical people". I believe it is both.
It is so hard to be a Christian/Taoist in America these days. A true, forgiving and loving, practicing Christian/Taoist that refuses to be a part of any type of violence especially when others feel it is necessary. Only when we do not retaliate, pull a trigger, declare war, or take a life is when everyone has a chance to heal. Only when I choose peace over violence do I feel truly Christian and that I'm following the Tao Way of Living.
It would be so easy to melt into hatred these days, but that is when a child reminds me on the eve of his birthday that LOVE is the only way.
Praying that we can come together and march for PEACE this Holiday season.

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